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We work with established service business owners at various stages of their brand growth journey and partner with specialists working in their zone of genius with passion and integrity.


Our customers are purpose-driven and all-round awesome humans! They recognise the benefit of investing in their brand as a business asset, respect team members and collaborators, and seek opportunities to bring a positive impact to their community.


Our industry partners are pretty exceptional too. Like us, they embrace workplace diversity and embrace the opportunity to collaborate, innovate and agitate (where necessary) to ensure we do better for every single valued customer. 


Through our work we promise to bring long-lasting transformational change. To empower our people to build brand equity from the inside out with clarity and confidence. We will work selflessly as brand guardians, sharing our expertise, experience, and skills with our clients' best interests in mind at all times.


Time is a valuable business resource.


Our services support business owners to reach more of the right customers with a highly targeted and compelling message, saving time and cost.


A unique hybrid service approach combines strategy consultation and creative services and signature 4-step process moves quickly to identify brand barriers, develop a tactical plan to bring immediate breakthroughs, and build a toolkit to keep things and track and ensure future brand decisions can be made with speed and confidence.


This approach delivers these 5-high value business benefits:

  • creative content is aligned with the business's strategic goals and objectives

  • the brand is optimised to remove inefficiencies, loss of impact, and professionalism

  • the target audience gains absolute clarity about what your offer, and how it solves their needs to strengthen your market-place position with a clear, concise USP

  • brand consistency throughout the customer journey builds trust and advocacy

  • marketing content gains impact with the right audience, saving time and increasing ROI


As the connection to customers’ needs and desires, the brand is, in a real sense, the heart and soul of a company. A brand’s ability to communicate in clear and simple terms allows the unique value proposition to be easily understood and embraced.


While brand clarity is crucial to success, it cannot exist in a vacuum.


It is inextricably tied to business strategy and the business environment. Our process works to align these areas of your business, anchoring the brand focus to business and marketing objectives. In doing so, the business is better equipped to make future brand decisions with speed and confidence, adding momentum to the business growth goals, and subtracting the cost of brand inefficiencies from business budgets!


Connect with us for more detail on our four-step process where we:


  • Hone your brand message

  • Tailor your identity to fit the business

  • Calibrate your brand for impact 

  • Accelerate your reach to target customers

Natasha Wells - brand strategy consultant


Hello. Thanks so much for dropping by to get to know us a bit better.


Since taking over the reins of Arteria in 2006, the business has moved through seasons of change. From several years as the graphic design agency, a shift to specialise in strategic branding has allowed us to deliver greater service value and lasting impact to our clients.


I am truly grateful for the clients who have journeyed with us, many for over a decade. These relationships have enabled us to move from strength to strength, achieving continuous improvement and service excellence guided by their valuable feedback and their business success at the heart of all our efforts.


We are solution-focused, collectively working with clients with two critical outcomes as the measure of success:

  • Our business owners are empowered with clarity and confidence to build brand impact with the right audience

  • Our business owners deliver on-brand marketing content that supports business growth and delivers ROI results


Getting the right message in front of the right audience in a marketplace saturated with fast-moving media is a challenging task… and this is where we thrive!! We journey with our clients, collaborating with highly experienced specialists who share our service integrity and brand values.


Our services are tailored to ensure our customers gain the specific expertise they need and the level of support that best suits their business. From the focused attention of a project team, the time and resource relief of on-brand content delivered seamlessly each month, through to strategic level support of a highly experienced brand management officer without the overhead of a full-time salary.


We are an extension of our client's business, ready to help where they need us.

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